Does AI Have Better Taste in Anime Openings Than Me?!
Welcome, weebs, to Animated Observations
Hey everyone, so I wasn’t originally planning on putting out any more posts until I had an idea of what was going on/had a bit more motivation to write again. However, a friend of the blog and all-around cool guy K at the Movies tagged me in a little bit of a challenge.
For those who haven’t seen his original post, do go read it cause it’s a lot of fun. Basically, K had the new WordPress AI make a list of 10 great anime openings and compared them against his own favorite openings, and let people decide which was better. Spoiler alert: the AI didn’t do great. However, could it do better against me? That’s what we’re here to find out.
Now, as it turns out, I already did a version of my ten favorite anime openings early last year, and while some of the placements would probably move depending on my mood at the time, overall it is still pretty accurate, so for the purposes of this post, those are the openings being used. For those who don’t feel like opening another link, I’ll list them here:
- Shonen Heart — Home Made Kazoku — Eureka Seven
- My Soul, Your Beats — Lia — Angel Beats
- Chain — BACK ON — Air Gear
- Jiyuu no Tsubasa — Linked Horizon — Attack on Titan
- Katayoku no Tori — Akiko Shikata — Umineko no Naka Koro Ni
- Sayonara Bystander — Yuki — March Comes in Like a Lion
- Gravity Wall — Hiroyuki Sawano, Tielle, and Gemi — Re:Creators
- Destiny — Neko — Phi Brain
- ft. — Funkist — Fairytail
- Database — Man With a Mission/Takuma — Log Horizon
Alright, now that everyone knows my taste, it is time to turn to AI. As for methodology, I asked it to give me the top 10 best anime openings of all time, to which it responded that it does not have preferences, but that it would give me some of the more popular answers. So, its list is going to gravitate towards more popular shows as a result. Still, as far as lists go, it is not bad by any means.
- “Unravel” — Tokyo Ghoul
- “Guren no Yumiya” — Attack on Titan
- “Again” — Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
- “Cruel Angel’s Thesis” — Neon Genesis Evangelion
- “Colors” — Code Geass
- “Hikarunara” — Your Lie in April
- “The World” — Death Note
- “Tank!” — Cowboy Bebop
- “Ignite” — Sword Art Online II
- “Sorairo Days” — Gurren Lagann
Now that everyone has seen both my list and WordPress AI’s list, there is only one question left: who has the better taste? In the same fashion as K, I’ll leave a poll below so the people can decide.
So…yeah, let me know any additional thoughts in the comments. peace!
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Originally published at on July 17, 2023.