I Ranked “Redditcore” Anime From Five Years Ago
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Remember when everyone in their mama was making tier list content for like a few months because we were all still locked in our houses with nothing better to do because of COVID-19? Yeah, me too. Good times…except not really. The last time I did a tier list was a little less than a year ago as of writing, and since I still need to catch up on some seasonal stuff, it seemed like a good a time as ever to try my hand at another.
Now, what exactly constitutes “Redditcore” as far as anime is concerned? Honestly, couldn’t tell ya. My best guess would be something to do with being pretentious and/or insufferable since that seems to be a common Reddit stereotype, but otherwise, I got nothing. Still, the list itself felt different enough to be worth doing, so here is my 2019 Redditcore tier list with some notes.
I am REALLY Bad at Finishing Shows
Typically when I do tier lists or any kind of ranking, it usually comes with the caveat of only including series I have finished at least a season of. When I first started working on the list, it hadn’t occurred just how many of these shows were not on my radar. Some of them, Monster, Aria the Animation, Mob Psycho, Darling in the Franxx, and a few others I have seen a few episodes of, but it just doesn’t feel fair to give that strong of a judgment without watching more.
Attack on Titan
I recently did a big-ish retrospective on Attack on Titan (Which y’all should definitely give a read). The process of finishing the series and writing about it in that much detail gave me a lot to think about. Aside from the politics of it all, which are still mixed, to say the least, the show itself is solidly entertaining. Maybe not among the absolute best since the writing could use a lot of work, but certainly a higher-end contender.
Oh, the Pain
The Promised Neverland and The Devil is a Part-Timer have some of the most enjoyable first seasons in all of anime. It is a shame, though, that they also have two of the worst sequel seasons ever made, for different reasons. The Promised Neverland ended up cutting a lot of content from the manga to fit everything into a second season that would finish the show. Not only did I hear about this from multiple outlets before watching the season myself, but it was also incredibly apparent from the way the show itself cut around certain narrative and character arcs.
The Devil is a Part-Timer, meanwhile, was just boring. It went from being really funny and actually having some decent fight scenes to…a slice-of-life series about raising a kid? I suppose theoretically it could have worked, but most of it just felt like the author shoved in a bunch of lore halfway through writing the light novels because he didn’t feel there was enough.
What would your “Redditcore” anime tier list look like? Let me know in the comments.
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Originally published at http://animatedobservations.com on June 18, 2024.