Secondary Findings Spring 2023
Welcome, weebs, to Animated Observations
It is about that time again, by which I mean it is that time again to talk about all of the stuff I have been keeping up with that has not made it into a post proper. The last few months have been quite a ride in that regard, as friends of mine have given me a lot of recommendations on top of all the stuff I’ve been keeping up with.
For those uninitiated, Secondary Findings is a series where I talk about primarily non-anime/manga-related things. Given that there is only so much time in a week, and that the focus of this blog is primarily weighted towards said anime/manga, it is hard to write about everything. Still, this is my attempt to do so.
Here is some of the stuff that has been going hard in the headphones
This is Why by Paramore
Paramore’s evolution over the years has been interesting. As someone who was listening to Riot! on my iPod touch at 10 years old, listening to This is Why is definitely a big shift into the more adult alternative side of their sound. Still, said experience with their older material has also given me an appreciation of their transition and just how well they pull off this sound. Couple that with their poignant lyrics talking about things like the modern new cycle and how it contributes to a sense of cynical dread makes for a great 36-minute listen.
Scaring the Hoes by Danny Brown and Jpegmafia
If the attention-grabbing title and big-name collaboration was not enough, this dynamic duo manages to bring one of the most eclectic-sounding hip-hop projects this side of the “underground.” The two are both known for their weirder approach to the genre, so it only makes sense that combined effort would yield results like “Fentanyl Tester” and “Jack Harlow Combo Meal.” On top of their crazy production, both Danny Brown and Jpegmafia come through with a cult of personality that makes it hard to turn off.
Why Does the Earth Give Us People to Love by Kara Jackson
Vivid memories of hearing acoustic-centered pop radio while driving around with my mom on errands did not have the same effect on me as one might think they would. As such, the folksier, more lowkey side of music was never something I really gravitated towards. That being said, Kara Jackson’s new album is absolutely something special. The lyrical detail coupled with the intimacy of its musical atmosphere is breathtaking in the best way possible. Even if it is not your first choice in genre either, it is definitely worth giving a listen.
Some fine reading.
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
One of the most infamous pieces of literature ever printed, House of Leaves definitely comes with a bit of intimidation factor. The book sits at around 700 pages and can feel incredibly dense. That is, at least so far. I have only gotten a chapter or so into the book, however, it lives up to its reputation. While it is hard to say anything definitive at this point in the book, the premise is worthwhile enough to keep me engaged for a bit. At least, it will, once I start it again.
Here’s some stuff I YouTube I enjoyed
The Hazel FLCL Video by Hazel
Sometimes, it is fun to just watch people gush about their favorite media. As someone who has some vivid memories of seeing FLCL floating around on the internet before seeing it in real-time during the opening weeks of the Toonami reboot, and it was incredibly fun to watch. It feels unstructured at points, and it sounds like Hazel herself would admit that to be the case. However, it has a beautifully delivered message in the end if you’re willing to see it through.
The Lie That’s Destroying the Economy by Adam Conover
Finding out that Adam Ruins Everything got canned was genuinely saddening to me, because for as much as he can sometimes feels like the physical embodiment of “Well, Actually,” Adam Conover did a lot of great work on that show. Thus, seeing a return to that style in the form of his recent video essays has been a treat. Specifically, the one about Ticketmaster’s hold on live events was pretty cathartic. Sure, it is easy to hate one of the worst companies operating today, but that does not mean Monopolies are not a serious problem in modern America.
Nobody Actually Read Chainsaw Man by Hiding in Public
At 97 chapters, though it is by no means the longest of a Shounen manga, it can still be pretty easy to misremember key details about certain characters. Hiding in Public takes the time to go over some of the more thematically elements of the series that people may have forgotten, many of which can radically alter one’s interpretation of the series. There was even some stuff I forgot about, and it has only been about a year or so since I first read the series. It was a fun watch, give it a chance.
Video Game(s)
Le video games I have been enjoying
Coffee Talk 2: Hibiscus and Butterfly
The influx of “cozy media” into my diet recently has done quite a bit for my mental health…well, that and actually going outside and having a social life…but the cozy stuff is important too! The original coffee talk was an aesthetically pleasing game with an infinitely likable cast, which is exactly what it needed to be given that gameplay is limited to pressing a couple buttons every few minutes. In that respect, Hibiscus and Butterfly builds on that formula in a way that is just as good if not better than the original. It is hard to say anything about the game’s story definitively until I am done, but it will be interesting to see regardless.
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
Despite never having been a fan of puzzle games, Professor Layton certainly has a charm to it that makes the gameplay engaging and worthwhile. The charm in question comes largely from Layton himself, along with his dynamic with Luke and the various others they encounter on their journey. While Curious Village was certainly fun, Diabolical Box feels like a more refined version of the first game’s attempt. On top of that, it is nice to see that the developers went out of their way to give the game extra content beyond the main story. Getting ready for the newest game is still a long way away, but it feels as though it will be fun all the same.
For the blogging homies
Rhapsodise — Ashley Capes
Many anime fans have can problem name some of their favorite series without thinking about it for too long, but what about their favorite episodes? The moments that truly sold them on the series, or maybe even another way of thinking entirely? What does a favorite episode mean to them? Rhapsodise is a blog dedicated to exactly that premise, and it is really cool. Litakino recently did a post on her favorite episode of Aria the Animation, and Ashley also did one about Cowboy Bebop’s Bohemian Rhapsody which was incredibly insightful. So far it only has a few posts. However, it plans on featuring a number of writers from around the blogosphere in the coming year, so be sure to give it a follow.
What kinda stuff are you all watching/reading/listening to? Let me know in the comments.
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If you can’t, or just don’t feel like it, no worries. Thank you all for reading, and goodbye, for now, friends!
Originally published at on April 30, 2023.